Monthly Archives: March 2014

February and March HOPE & HELP 2014

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For the months of February & March we decided to help a family close to home. One day in January Ray was casually talking with a lady that works in our office building. She started to tell him about a sweet co-worker of hers. She said she is a hard working, single mother of three and that she had come on some tough times and was currently struggling financially. At the end of the conversation Ray told her about our Hope & Help initiative for the year and she said, “If there is anyway you could help her out that would be wonderful because she could really use the help right now.” It was an easy decision! We spoke to the young lady about her situation and we decided to help her for two months. For February we got her a gift card to Target because she had many items she needed for the apartment they recently moved into and things she needed for her kids. For March we got her a gas card because she said most days her lunch break is taken when her kids get out of school so she can drive to get them, bring them home and then come back to work to finish her day. She said the gas was getting very costly and cutting into money she needed for other things. Presenting her with these gift cards was exactly what we wanted this campaign to be about – to help someone in need and to give them hope that people care about them!

If you would like to join our HOPE & HELP mission or know of someone in need, please contact Karen at 973-256-1000 ext 12 or Each month we will pick one person to help and give hope to. Check out our website at the end of each month to see our HOPE & HELP story.

“It takes each of us to make a difference for all of us”